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premises promises

  Yes. I do have criticism about patriachy or even matriarchy.  or any bad side of over dominating systems, in everything. what i tried to understand is the cause of fault.  or the cause of any bad sides that are often bias. the grey area is always there, on the process to understand all the causes. about independency. it is about skill-set of every person. it is human being obligation to fulfill their needs by their own. so independency does not related to criticism about patriarchy, or matriarchy, feminism, or any other weird thing on the process. independency is another thing by itself, that everyone should accomplish. while gender role is another thing in society: to be in synergy as a teammate in society or., the very small institution in society, a family. (if you wish to had one) so to understand what is independency, you have to list the very basic skill-set of human needs, generally, before you get into the gender role. or doing any silly comments for your own ego because you

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